September 26, 2024 8:30 am

Level 3, 80 Strand, WC2R 0RL

Marketing Innovation

Adaptation, change and experimentation
(Who’s getting it right and how?)
This event has now passed

For this special edition of Little Grey Cells, our topic, Marketing Innovation, has been selected by Cecilia Weckstrom (Global Head of Marketing Innovation, The LEGO Group). Cecilia is our “guest curator” and will be having a fireside chat with LGC founder Tim Healey at the event.

Cecilia believes that marketing, adaptation, change and experimentation can reveal new tactics that accelerate business as you scale, allow your company to build new capabilities and enable organisations to be more agile.

In this dynamic, idea-packed September session, we’ll gain learned insight from Cecilia and her personally invited guest panel of senior marketing experts, dismantle the blockers to innovation and identify “the must haves” in any future-facing marketers tool kit.

With our delegates’ spirit of openness, trust and learning, the Little Grey Cells Club is helping to shape the future of marketing. You’ll leave with actionable insights around the key issues and valuable connections with fellow industry experts. Limited to c. 60 places, our events are always over-subscribed.  Register now to secure your seat at this briefing.

Confirmed Fireside Chat

Cecilia Weckstrom
Global Head of Marketing Innovation
The LEGO Group

Our Guest Panel

Mélina Kacherou-Carage (Consumer Experience and Earned Media Director – Strategy and Innovation, Estée Lauder Compagnies)

Mark Earls (Writer, Speaker, Herdmeister, Herd)

Alex Collins (Head of Marketing, WEX)

Harry Lane (Marketing Director, Shackleton)

Matt Bryan (Director of Analytics & Insights, Samsung Ads)

Headline Partner
Research Partner
Event Partner

Advisory Board

What others say about us…

“Fantastic event, great networking, the panel discussion and the table topics were spot on”


“Great to meet so many impressive marketers from such a range of companies and have such stimulating conversations – there’s nothing else like it”

Marketing Director,

“Refreshing, thought-provoking and inspiring”

Global Brand Director,
This event has now passed

8:30 am

Guest arrival

8:40 am

Breakfast is served

9:15 am

Chair's opening remarks: Tim Healey

9:20 am

Fireside chat: Cecilia Weckstrom (Global Head of Marketing Innovation, The LEGO Group) and Tim Healey

9:40 am

Panel Discussion:
Marketing Innovation: adaptation, change and experimentation (Who’s getting it right and how?) with Mélina Kacherou-Carage (Consumer Experience and Earned Media Director - Strategy and Innovation, Estée Lauder Compagnies), Kerttu Inkeroinen (Marketing and e-Commerce Director, Lucky Saint), Mark Earls (Writer, Speaker, Herdmeister, Herd), Alex Collins (Head of Marketing, WEX), Harry Lane (Marketing Director, Shackleton), Matt Bryan (Director of Analytics & Insights, Samsung Ads).

10:10 am

Small Table Discussions:
• Table 1: Adaptation
• Table 2: Change - good and bad
• Table 3: Experimentation
• Table 4: Innovation blockers
• Table 5: Implementation

10:45 am

Report back from tables

10:50 am


11:20 am

Closing remarks

11:30 am

Event ends

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We’re delighted to announce that our upcoming event is now fully booked.

Please submit your email below to join our waiting list, and we will inform you as quickly as possible should spaces become available at the event.

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